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Monday, February 1, 2010

The choice before us

The Green Line extension will be built. The station locations have been chosen. The only decision left is whether the Green Line will end at College Avenue, or whether it will continue on to Route 16.

The state wants to end at College Avenue. Everyone else wants the Green Line to continue on to Route 16. Over 2000 people signed a petition to bring the Green Line to Route 16. Over 10,000 people live in walking distance to a Route 16 stop. Even the state admits that Route 16 would mean less traffic, less pollution, and better air quality.

Here's the Green Line map today:

Here's what the state has promised to build by 2014:

And here's what we want, just one more stop:

It's not a big change, but it will make a huge difference in people's lives.

It's now 2010. The state says that they can build the entire extension from Lechmere to Union Square in Somerville and College Avenue in Medford by 2014, but that it will take up to 6 years more to go one more stop to Route 16. That's not a plan to build Route 16; that's a plan to kill Route 16. We can't let that happen.